1) Image Sizes
How many image sizes are there across the site? How many different aspect ratios? Is there any commonality between images? Where can we reuse an image? In Drupal terms, we're asking: Can I use image styles? How many do I need? In which area of the site can I use each image style?
If there seems to be no obvious pattern, it can be worth articulating the benefits of using standardised image styles to the designer, such as performance and improved editor experience.
Remember that with a responsive design, images will usually stretch to fill a space, so image styles will generally set an image to its maximum required width. The single most important thing to consider is aspect ratio. If all the images have the same aspect ratio, then the implementation of a design becomes much, much more straightforward.
2) Content Order
In a responsive site, as screen size diminishes, chunks of content flow around each other and jump below other content to accommodate the smaller screen width. It is important to realise that designs for smaller screens are sometimes supplied without due regard to this flow of content. If you see content order on a mobile design that doesn't match up with that in the desktop design, ask about it. Either it is a mistake that is easy to rectify at the outset of the project, or it will turn into a monster that will eat your budget.
3) Horizontal Alignment
People love horizontal lines. They particularly love columns of content, with line breaks, each of which line up with its neighbour in the next column. Unfortunately, the web, and responsive design in particular does not make such a design easy to implement.
It is bad practice to set absolute heights to elements in responsive design, to allow elements to expand as necessary, but without control of heights, any content change or width change will break the layout. As widths decrease, the height of content in a restricted space increases, which means that either the content will overflow its bounds, the content will be clipped, or the container expands, breaking the nicely arranged horizontal alignment.
There's no easy solution to this, so it is important to bring it to the attention of all concerned early on, lest it become an issue late in the project when deadlines are tight.
Often this issue only comes to light at launch time, when a client is putting real content, and replacing the nice, consistent three lines of dummy text in the design.
Ask how much content should be in the space. Ask whether the lines need to line up. Ask whether you want to rely on brittle Javascript to make heights equal. Ask early.
4) Long Titles
In a typical design, in my experience, titles and teaser text will be short, bordering on terse, lending themselves to smart, ordered layouts, and small containers in which to fit these elements.
When a site is live in the wild, titles can be really, really long. Editors are given content, control over which they may not have. The design has to accommodate this situation. Try swapping out
'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet.'
'Many editors struggle to fit their content into the cramped confines of a small title block.'
'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet.'
'Many editors struggle to fit their content into the cramped confines of a small title block.'
Then see if the design still works. Ask about maximum title length and the ebb and flow of text on the web.
What happens with a long title on a small screen?
5) Large, Full Screen Background Images
Do you really need it? How big is it in kilobytes? Is it worth the extra page weight? Can the weight of it be reduced by blanking out where the content will live? What happens on small screens? Do they need to download it?
Think of performance, think of the value of that background image, and think of mobile users.
6) Fonts
What fonts are in use? Are they special? Is there a cost associated with them? Do they have all the necessary characters in the font? (e.g. I recently had to use a font that had no ampersand character.) Does the client know about any cost? Are they happy with that? Where are webfonts in use? Are they just for headings? Or are they for body text? Do they work on cheap, low-resolution screens? (If they don't, it's probably a poor choice.) Is the 'Flash Of Unstyled Text' before the webfont loads acceptable? How much does the font add to the page weight? Can you use a subset of the font? Do you need bold, italic and other variations?
7) View Modes
How many different ways is the same content (e.g. a node or a bean) viewed on the site? Where on the site are these places? Each different representation directly corresponds to a View mode. If there are many variations, can these be rationalised? View modes are immensely useful, but there comes a point where YAVM (Yet Another View Mode) becomes painful. Less is more.
Another consideration here is seeing if view modes can be shared across content types. For example, is the listing page for news posts the same as the listing page for events? If so, we can use the same view mode for both? This will cut down on the time needed to style these view modes with CSS.
8) Configuration
Does the client need to configure anything? What does the site editor want to be able to change? Should footer blocks be editable? Or any of the site chrome? Should only the main content area be editable? Should the site editor be able to modify listings? Panel Pages? Forms?
The answers to these questions are relevant because they directly affect how you approach a build.
(Aside: read our article The Drupal Content Editor deserves and easy Life.)
9) Browsers
What browsers need to be supported? Can the design even be properly implemented in older browsers? What does 'graceful degredation', or 'progressive enhancement' look like in practice with this design? Which design elements, e.g. funky CSS3 effects or killer Javascript libraries, won't work in poorer browsers? Is there a fallback? Should there be? Ask about analytics. What are the actual site visitors using?
The older the supported browser, the more it will eat into your budget, and the older you go, the more it will eat.
10) Colours
How many shades (e.g., of grey) are there in the design? Can you tell the difference between them? For lighter shades, can you even see them on a poor screen? You can bet that the design was put together on a high quality, high resolution, bright screen. Does it work on a low budget, 10 year old 15" LCD screen? If colours cannot readily be differentiated on such a device, then they may be surplus to requirements.
Importance of Website Design
Merely designing a simple business web design is not enough to woo online customers. It only takes few seconds for online customers to browse from one website to another and if they don’t find the web design appealing and useful and they will simply move to other web portals.
Therefore, business owners need to ensure that their website should be customized also which adds more appeal and uniqueness to simple business web design.
It may seem harsh, but giving critique on a website is a valuable experience in itself. A lot of time and effort goes into creating a web presence so finding ways to make improvements ensures that all the work does not go to waste.
Learning to evaluate a website effectively is part art and part science, but it’s a skill that can be learned. To develop an eye for what works on a website and what doesn’t, there are few simple techniques that help you critique your website in 30 seconds or less.
- Launch the website- Take note of how long it takes the page to load. Even if you have a slow connection, you should not have to wait more than a few seconds. If the load time takes longer, it means that the web designer should rethink any large media files or overloaded HTML code that could be slowing the page-load process.
- Assess the content- Check whether the content on the page is easy on the eyes or not. For example, white text on a black background is an unfortunate, yet common, setup that some web designers use. This design causes the eyes to strain harder than necessary. The content must be readable in order to keep visitors from leaving the site.
- Broken links check- Are the image files broken? If this is the case, you will see a question mark where a graphic should be. Does the linked text work? Click the links and determine whether you are being taken to a valid page or if you are seeing error messages.
- Purpose of the website- Can you accurately ascertain what the objective of the site is? For example, if the site is meant to inform you about an artist and his work, but yet there are entries describing all the computer experience they have, this can send mixed messages and confuse visitors.
- Formatting Issues- Determine whether the page has any strange formatting problems or not. For example, does the page have an obvious boundary, but you see text going past it? Some websites appear fine on some browsers and operating systems, but are totally different on others. These things are a pain for web designers to have to deal with; however, it is important to know about these issues to keep the pages accessible to as many visitors as possible.
- Information Gathering- See if you can effortlessly get to the information that you are looking for. For example, if the website is selling a product, is it easy to determine how to purchase this item? Is it difficult to get to the page that you want because of the menu navigation in place? You should be able to locate the information you desire within a few clicks at the most.
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